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601 Douglas Street
Sioux City, IA, 51101
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Updates and Information on the Community and Your Department

Increase in stolen cars, many with keys left them

Jeremy McClure

There has been an increase in stolen cars reported as the weather gets colder. Between Oct. 1 and Nov. 12, there were 41 cars reported stolen. Of those, 22 were left running or the keys were left in them.

Most of the reported stolen cars were left running to warm up when they were taken. A few were left running as the owner ran into a business for a quick errand. These incidents are occurring all over town.

The department is strongly urging people to not leave their keys in their cars or leave them running and unsecured.

Luckily for most of the victims, their cars are recovered a short time later. Of the 41 cars stolen in this six-week period, 36 have been recovered.

People taking cars that are left running could be charged with Theft 2nd or Operating without Owner’s Consent.