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601 Douglas Street
Sioux City, IA, 51101
United States



Updates and Information on the Community and Your Department

Omaha man arrested for theft 1st

Jeremy McClure

On Feb. 11 at 10:24 am, the Sioux City Police Department received an alarm from Gunderson’s Jewelry, 4830 Sergeant Rd. Employees at the store reported that a male suspect had ran out of the store with a watch valued at $20,700.

Based on the description of the suspect and the car he fled in, responding officers located the vehicle a short distance from the store. After a vehicle pursuit, the suspect abandoned his vehicle an attempted to run away on foot. Officers apprehended the suspect in the 2800 block of Marshall Ave.

Arrested was 50-year-old Antony Q. Perkins of Omaha. He was booked into Woodbury County Jail on charges of 1st degree Theft, Eluding, and other traffic charges related to the pursuit. The stolen watch was recovered.

No one was injured during this incident.

The investigation is ongoing.