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The Sioux City Police Department and Woodbury County Emergency Managementcongratulate CERT graduates.


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The Sioux City Police Department and Woodbury County Emergency Managementcongratulate CERT graduates.

Jeremy McClure

Sioux City Police Chief, Rex Mueller, and Woodbury County Emergency Management Coordinator, Rebecca Socknat are proud to announce the graduation of 9 CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) participants.  Certificates were awarded to the graduates on February 18, 2020, at The Security Institute located on the campus of Western Iowa Tech Community College. 

This is the seventeenthyear that Homeland Security funding has been used to offer CERT training to the Volunteers In Police Service and Citizen Academy graduates and more than 320 participants have received CERT training over the 17 years. The Sioux City Police Department is grateful for this partnership and opportunity to offer this annual training.      

The Federal Emergency Management Agency, using a model created by the Los Angeles City Fire Department, began promoting nationwide the use of the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) concept in 1994.  CERT training promotes a partnering effort between emergency services and the people that they serve.  The goal is for emergency personnel to train members of neighborhoods, community organizations, or workplaces in basic response skills.  If a disastrous event overwhelms or delays the community’s professional response, CERT members can assist by helping their families and neighbors until emergency help arrives at the scene.  CERT skills also apply to daily emergencies that may occur, and have been used to help save lives of some of our local citizens in the past.  

The CERT training consisted of classes that covered the following topics: Emergency Management, DisasterPreparedness & Homeland Security; Communications Center and 911; Severe Weather Training; Fire Suppression; General First Aid; Heat Related Injuries &Infectious Diseases; and Adult, Child & Infant CPR.

Congratulations to the Sioux City Police Department 

2020 CERT graduates who are as follows: Deb Andriessen, Jack Desrosiers, Mike Gill, Brad Grier, Jeanie Husted, Sandra Lopez, Sheila Schumann, Amy Towner, and Jimmy Towner
