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Phishing Scams -- How to Identify and Avoid Becoming a Victim of Pop-Up Scams

Guest User

*Pop-up warning scams*

Pop-ups occur when you’re browsing the internet and sees a small graphic or ad appear on their screen. Pop-ups are usually related to the content being viewed and link to another website with similar content or merchandise.

Malicious pop-ups can be terribly intrusive, making it difficult for the user to close the pop-up window. These pop-ups may display a message stating that the computer is infected with malware and offer a phone number for help with removing the malware. Cybercriminals often make pop-ups look like they come from a trusted source, such Norton, or other anti-virus products to appear legitimate.

Protect yourself against pop-up scams:

  • Examine the message closely. Look for obvious signs of fraud such as poor spelling and bad grammar.

  • When in doubt, never click on a pop-up. Instead, open your antivirus software and run a system scan.

  • Pop-ups from legitimate anti-virus sources will only appear within the interface of the security software you’ve purchased. Customer support from your anti-virus software will not send users unsolicited pop-ups stating that they will fix a user’s computer if given remote access.