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601 Douglas Street
Sioux City, IA, 51101
United States



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SCPD selling Autism Awareness shoulder patch during April

Jeremy McClure

The month of April is Autism Awareness Month and in support of that, the Sioux City Police Department is selling an Autism Awareness version of its shoulder patch for $10 a piece.

All proceeds from the patch raised will be donated to the Pier Center for Autism which is the only clinic of its kind in the area that provide compassionate care for individuals with autism.

The patch is the same shape, size, and colors of our current patch by features a puzzle piece motif background that represents autism and also includes banners to support awareness of autism.

The Autism Society recognizes that the prevalence of autism in the United States has risen from 1 in 125 children in 2010 to 1 in 59 in 2020.

The design and sale of the patch is done in partnership with The Friends of the Sioux City Police Department who are made up of citizens that seek ways to support the department.

The Autism Awareness Patch can be purchased at the following two locations.

Sioux City Police Department Mid-Step Services/Pier Center 601 Douglas St 4303 Stone Ave Sioux City, IA 51101 Sioux City, IA 51106

You can also have one mailed to by sending a check or money order made out to The Friends of the Sioux City Police Department in the amount of $10. Include your return address and that it is for the Autism Awareness Patch:

Sioux City Police Department Attn: Chief’s Office/ Autism Patch Sioux City, IA 51101

For more information on the Pier Center for Autism, visit their website at

Autism Awareness Patch.png