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Sioux City, IA, 51101
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Sioux City Police to participate in traffic safety initiatives this summer

Jeremy McClure

The Sioux City Police Department is partnering with the Iowa Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau and will be participating in several traffic safety initiatives this summer to help make Sioux City roads safer.

One of the initiatives will focus on impaired drivers. The Sioux City Police Department will be teaming up with the Iowa State Patrol and Woodbury County Sheriff’s Office on June 10 to look for impaired drivers. This is part of a week-long effort in the state to get impaired drivers off the road.

The department will also be participating in an effort to increase pedestrian safety. Officers will look for violations of the law relating to cross walks. The goal is to increase driver awareness of pedestrians and crosswalk safety. Officers will also be addressing pedestrians that cross streets in unsafe manners. This project will be conducted for several weeks this summer.

These initiatives are being funded by grants provided by the Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau. The Sioux City Police Department is also working with the Iowa Traffic Fatality Reduction Task Force.

Iowa’s multi-discipline Traffic Fatality Reduction Task Force was created in 2021 to implement educational, enforcement and legislative initiatives to help Iowa achieve the target of less than 300 traffic fatalities annually, with the ultimate goal of zero fatalities. Enforcement is one key element to reduce fatalities. The task force is led by the Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau, the Iowa Department of Transportation and the Iowa State Patrol. For more information on the task force and its work, contact Pat Hoye, Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau at 515-725-6120 or