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601 Douglas Street
Sioux City, IA, 51101
United States



Updates and Information on the Community and Your Department

Shooting on Ingleside - SCPD #22-6619

Jeremy McClure

On March 17, detectives charged 21-year-old Carlos D. Mejia of Sioux City with attempted murder, willful jury, and intimidation with a dangerous weapon for the shooting that occurred on March 14 at 1923 Ingleside.

Mejia had arranged for the adult-female victim to come to his residence to get money from him to use for the purchase of methamphetamine. When the victim arrived, she sent another woman to the door to get the money and Meija sent her away and asked for the victim.

When the victim came to the door, Mejia beckoned her inside where he was waiting in the kitchen. When she entered the back entry, Mejia had a gun in hand fired one bullet as she tried to flee. The victim suffered a gunshot wound to her abdomen which she sought medical treatment for. She is recovering at home. Mejia was booked into the Woodbury County Jail.

Original Release on March 14, 2022 at 9:36 p.m. – On March 14 at 1:50 p.m., the Sioux City Police Department received a report of a burglary to residence at 1923 Ingleside Ave. in which the caller stated a subject armed with a knife broke into his home and he fired a shot at her.

A few minutes later, an adult-female suffering from a gunshot wound came into MercyOne. She was treated for a serious injury and at the time of this release was still in the hospital. Officers determined that the woman with the gunshot wound was the person involved in the shooting on Ingleside. The adult-male resident reported that he shot the woman after she entered his home armed with a knife.

Detectives are continuing their investigation and are waiting to speak to the female who was injured.

At the time of this release, no charges have been filed. We are not releasing the names of the people

involved at this time.

Any arrest/charge noted in this report should be considered merely an accusation. Any defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.