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SCPD unveils Mental Health Awareness themed car

Jeremy McClure

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month which is observed during the month of May, the Sioux City Police Department has adorned one of its cars with a green ribbon which is the symbol of mental health awareness and the slogan “arresting the stigma”.

“As an agency that frequently encounters people suffering from mental illness, we felt it was important to show our understanding and support,” said Chief Rex Mueller.

The department has been a leader in changing how it approaches situations involving subjects with mental health issues. Not only has it changed the training officers are provided in recognizing and understanding mental health issues, but it has also partnered with other agencies that specialize in responding to and working with people with mental health issues.

“Our partnership with the Mobile Crisis Assessment Team has been in valuable in diverting people in crisis or severe mental health issues from the jail or emergency departments to appropriate care facilities,” explained Mueller.

Someone that is in crisis can call 855-581-8111 or text 855-895-8398.

For more information on the department’s partnership with the Mobile Crisis Unit, visit

Mental Health Ribbon Car.jpg