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School safety tips for kids and parents

Jeremy McClure

The start of a new school year is an exciting and busy time for families. It is up to all of us to be safe and watch out for kids.  Here are some safety tips we can all follow.

When Driving

• Use caution near schools, there will be increased traffic and pedestrians *WATCH FOR KIDS*

•Know your school’s traffic flow plan and follow it.

• Do not drive around school buses when the overhead lights are flashing red and the “STOP” sign is out.

• Please OBEY crossing guards


• Cross at corners or cross walks

• Obey crossing guard instructions

• When possible, walk with friends as there is strength in numbers

• Stay on sidewalks, do not cut through yards or alleys

• NEVER accept rides or get into the car with people you do not know.


• Walk the approved route to school with your child before school starts, this way you know where to look for your child if there is a problem

• Cover where safe places are to go for help like trusted adult’s houses, school, and businesses

• Discuss what you child should do if an unknown adult tries to get them to come to their car, in their house, or grabs them

•         Tell them “No”

•         Scream for help

  • Fight back if grabbed

• Know who your kids’ friends are and where they live and keep a list of addresses and phone numbers handy


• Keep an eye out for suspicious people or cars that seem to be paying attention to children walking or playing

• Keep sidewalks clear of debris or obstacles for pedestrians


Let’s all do our part to keep our kids SAFE!