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601 Douglas Street
Sioux City, IA, 51101
United States



Updates and Information on the Community and Your Department

Officers investing shots fired at 2300 41st St

Jeremy McClure

On Nov. 1 at about 7:34 pm, the Sioux City Police Department received a report of several shots being fired at 2300 41st St.

Officers determined that a car pulled up to the residence, several subjects got out and confronted a 14-year-old juvenile at the residence. Fearing for his safety, he ran inside the residence.

Shortly after that, someone in the group fired about seven shots. Officers located three places where bullets stuck the house.

At the time of the shooting, there was one adult and three teenaged juveniles in the residence. No one was injured in the incident.

The vehicle involved is described as a black 2000’s Chevy Tahoe.

Detectives investigating the matter believe they have identified a suspect and are continuing to investigate the motive for the shooting.

At this time, this an ongoing investigation.