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601 Douglas Street
Sioux City, IA, 51101
United States



Updates and Information on the Community and Your Department

Winter Emergency Car Kit

Guest User

Mother nature has already provided us with a reminder that cold weather and slick roadways will soon be the norm for the next several months. Now is a great time to consider weather or not you’re prepared to make your daily commute and upcoming holiday trips safely. It’s always a good idea to have the following items in your vehicle this time of year:

-Flashlight with extra batteries

-Charged cellphone and cellphone charger

-Basic First Aid Kit


-Extra clothes (mittens, boots, socks)

-Non-perishable foods

-Windshield scraper and brush


-Basic toolkit

-Jumper Cables

REMINDER — when travel is unavoidable in inclement weather, communicate to a loved one where you’re going and estimated time of arrival. Also, allow for extra time, as driving becomes much more challenging. We’ll have Winter Driving Tips coming soon.