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Phishing Scams -- How to Identify and Avoid Becoming a Victim of Email Phishing

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As the public is continually updated and inundated with information about the coronavirus, scammers have been upping their game to take advantage of folks during this vulnerable time. With continued advances and reliance on technology, scammers have several ways they attempt to gain access to our personal information.

*Email Phishing Scams*

An email phishing scam is a fraudulent email message that appears to be from a person or company known to the victim. It attempts to illegally gather personal and/or financial information from the recipient, which is the goal of most scams.

A phishing message typically includes at least one link to a fake website, designed to mimic the site of a legitimate business. The message entices the recipient to provide information that could be used for identity theft or online financial theft.

How to help PROTECT YOURSELF against email phishing scams:

  • Do not click any links or download any attachments. Instead, open your web browser and go to the website in question to verify the legitimacy of the email/company.

  • Be vigilant. Pay attention. Phishers have been known to use real company logos to make their communications seem legitimate. They also use spoofed email addresses, which are like the actual company’s address. However, the address may be misspelled slightly or come from a spoofed domain.