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Phishing Scams -- How to Identify and Avoid Becoming a Victim of Vishing

Guest User

As promised, here is another type of phishing scam known as “Vishing.” Equip yourself with the knowledge and power to protect you and your loved ones from scammers. As we’ve mentioned before, with continued advances and reliance on technology, scammers have several ways they attempt to gain access to our personal information, and here’s another:

*Vishing scams*

Vishing (voice or VoIP phishing) is the voice version of email phishing. “V” stands for voice, but otherwise, the scam attempt is the same. It is a phone scam in which individuals are tricked or scared into handing over valuable financial or personal information to scammers.

How to help protect yourself against vishing scams:

  • Never give personal information over the phone. Hang up, look for the number of the company on their official website, and call them directly to confirm legitimacy. 

  • Don’t return a call to the original number. When looking up the company website, make sure it is legitimate. Fake websites often contain misspellings and poor grammar.