Iowa DNR to hunt geese at Green Valley Golf Cource - Public Notice
Jeremy McClure
On Tuesday, October 29th the Iowa Department of Natural Resources will be coordinating a depredation goose hunt on the grounds of the Green Valley Golf Course, 4300 Donner Avenue. Shooting will begin at approximately 7:30 a.m. and will conclude by 10:30 a.m. Shotgun noise will be heard from the area, but there is no danger to the public. All ammunition discharged will remain within the property boundaries of the golf course.
This particular method of removing troublesome geese is being explored as a viable option for limiting the exposure to migratory waterfowl faced by the Sioux Gateway Airport. Resident geese in the Southern parts of Sioux City attract migrating geese in the Spring and Fall of the year. Numerous methods have been tried, in ours and other areas of the state, to modify the behavior of these waterfowl. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources is taking this opportunity to engage military veterans with the intent of re-introducing them to hunting and retaining them as ethical hunters.
Media queries should be directed to Nick Klemsrude 515-281-8653 with Iowa Department of Natural Resources.
Green Valley Golf Course and surrounding areas.