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601 Douglas Street
Sioux City, IA, 51101
United States



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Winter Weather Driving Tips

Guest User

We’ve enjoyed some mild and calm conditions recently, however area meteorologists are forecasting for that to change rapidly around noon today. With inclement weather on its way, here are ten tips to keep in mind while winter driving:

1. Avoid it

2. Allow for extra time to travel from one place to another

3. Slow down

4. Keep at least three car lengths between you and vehicles ahead of you

5. Drive with your lights on, even during daylight hours

6. Avoid using cruise control

7. Don’t pass snow plows

8. Know the limits of your vehicle

9. Do not accelerate or brake aggressively

(firm pressure on your brake pedal is best, don’t stomp on it)

10. Completely defrost and clear all windows to maximize your visibility

Please pay attention to local forecasts for the most up-to-date weather and road conditions, and review our tips on Winter Emergency Car Kits to give yourself the ultimate advantage for safe travel this winter season.