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601 Douglas Street
Sioux City, IA, 51101
United States



Updates and Information on the Community and Your Department

Arrest Made in Robbery

Guest User

On 12/13/19 at 11:39 AM, the Sioux City Police Department received a call of a robbery in the 1500 block of Virginia St.  The victim reported a male party acted as if he had a firearm and demanded his vehicle.  The suspect then left in the vehicle.  A short time later the vehicle was involved in an accident at 25th and Clark Street and the suspect fled the scene.

At 8:35 PM, the suspect returned to a relative’s house at 1519 Virginia St.  After a brief standoff with officers, the suspect surrendered peacefully. The Sioux City Police Department uses all resources necessary to resolve these issues in the safest manner possible.

The arrested party is,

Juanito Gonzales, 24, of Sioux City

He has been charged with Robbery 2nd degree.