SCPD implements BWC program
Jeremy McClure
Mayor pro tem Dan Moore and Chief Rex Mueller held a press conference on Dec. 3 in City Hall Council Chambers to announce that the Sioux City Police Department has fully implemented the use of body worn cameras (BWC).
“These cameras are currently deployed with all our Uniformed Officers, School Resource Officers, and Special Investigation Personnel,” said Mueller.
The City Council unanimously approved the purchase of 120 body worn cameras, equipment, and software on August 3 utilizing funds generated from the City’s traffic camera program instead of taxpayer dollars.
The cameras, equipment, and cloud storage were provided by Getac who also provided the department with their in-car camera system.
Sgt. Jay Hoogendyk demonstrates how the body worn cameras that the department use work.
Moore said that a few of the goals of the BWC program are to accurately document police contact with the public as well as critical incidents, document crime scenes, serve as evidence, and help train and evaluate Officers.
Officers with the department are required to wear the cameras when they are on duty and activate them when they have contact with the public.
“As we embark on this new chapter of law enforcement, may it continue to build the trust within our community and provide accountability for our citizens and our Police Officers,” said Moore. “We further hope that this new chapter will further community policing goals of transparency, relationship building, and equitable policing.”