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Phishing Scams -- How to Identify and Avoid Becoming a Victim of Tech Support Scam Calls

Guest User

We rely on our computers and electronic devices for our professional and personal day to day activity. These devices need to run fast and efficient, so what should you do when someone calls claiming your device has been compromised by a virus or malware?

*Tech support call scams*

Tech support cold calls are when a scammer calls a potential victim claiming to be from a reputable security company. They lie and say they found malware on the victim’s computer.

The criminal pretends to offer a solution by getting the user to install a type of remote desktop software. This allows the scammer access to the computer to install real malware. In addition to attempting to install malware on the machine, these scammers will often ask for a fee to “fix” the issue.

How to help protect yourself against tech support call scams:

  • If a person calls claiming to work for a specific, well-known company, look up the phone number online before you take any further action.

  • Never allow remote access to your computer or devices.