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601 Douglas Street
Sioux City, IA, 51101
United States



Updates and Information on the Community and Your Department

Citizens asked for their opinion on SCPD service

Jeremy McClure

The Sioux City Police Department will be conducting a citizen survey during the month of April. This survey is a Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies requirement as part of the department’s accreditation. 

“This surveyed is required every two years,” said Officer Donette Sassman, the Accreditation Officer for the department. “The survey measures citizens feelings of safety and satisfaction with the service of the department.”

The survey focuses on area concerning overall agency performance, competency of agency members, citizen’s perception of officers’ attitudes and behaviors towards citizens, community concerns over safety and security, and recommendations and suggestions for improvement.

“Results of the survey help the department review current policies and procedures and ensure they reflect the community needs,” added Sassman.

Citizens of Sioux City who are interested in participating in the survey can take it online at

For citizens wishing to take the survey, they can obtain a written copy at the station’s front desk or by written request sent to 601 Douglas St, Sioux City, IA 51101.