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601 Douglas Street
Sioux City, IA, 51101
United States



Updates and Information on the Community and Your Department

Shots fired in the 2500 block of W. 6th St.

Jeremy McClure

On Oct. 23 at about 5:16 pm, the Sioux City Police Department received a report of shots being fired in the 2500 block of W. 6th St.

Officers that responded to the area did not locate any victims but pistol caliber shell casings were located. It it not known at this time who the intended target was or the reason for it.

A red Cadillac CTS with Iowa plates occupied by a male was seen in the area and possibly was involved. Officers are looking for information on the car and it is driver.

This is an on-going investigation.

Anyone with information on this incident should contact the Sioux City Police Department or call Crimestoppers at 258-TIPS (8477).